Ramadan Donations & Sadqat ul Fitr, Masjid Building Fund
Monday, May 9th 2021
Ramadan Mubarak! Alhamdulilah Ramadan is not only about fasting, but also about giving. Due to the Masjid closure and transition to virtual learning and programming, your donations and support are critical to our success. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us, so that we may assist you as quickly as possible.
Jazakumullah Khairan!
Contribute for Masjid Building Fund
Masjid Operation
Support the maintenance, staff, and general expenses of the Masjid.
ZAKAAT FUND: Annual payout approx: $65,000
OBJECTIVES OF THE ZAKAAT FUND (Only payable to Muslims)
Obligatory 2.5% charitable wealth donation.
The objective of Zakat, as emphasised in the Qur’an, is a glorious objective of purification and upliftment (Surah Al-Taubah 9:103). In that sense, Zakat washes away sins and impurities in the same way that Salaah washes away sins and impurities. This is why it is mentioned in the sayings that Zakat carries the “dirt” (awsakh) of people.
The Hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him) enunciates this concept very beautifully: “When a slave of Allah pays Zakat, the Angels of Allah pray for him in these words: “O Allah! Grant abundance to him who spends (in Your cause) and destroy him who does not spend and restricts to himself his wealth.”” (Bukhari)
Current recipients: 65 recipients X (quarterly payments) X (approximately $250.00 each) = $65k
Zakaat recipients are kept in touch by Imam Safraz
Recipients are reviewed to acknowledge any new life altering conditions
Our Zakaat fund is flushed every year - meaning the Zakaat that is collected from last Ramadan is paid out in full before this Ramadan.
Zakaat monies is not kept piling up in a fund at Masjid al-Abidin
Flushing the fund annually is determined by a simple formula:
(Total Monies collected) divided by 4 (for Quarterly payments) / divided by the # of Zakaat recipients
The advantage of this method is: all monies are accounted for and easily disbursed in a predictable manner.
The disadvantage: Only monies collected for the year will be distributed - therefore, year over year the quarterly amounts Zakaat recipients receive may vary.
Ramadan Food Drive
Sponsor a food kit of non-perishable items for a family in need. Each kit is $100 to prepare but any amount is acceptable.
Sadqatul Fitr - $10 per person** (Cash App preferred)
SADQATUL FITR FUND: - Annual payout approx: $25,000
Obligatory for any Muslim who possesses food in excess of their need. Head of the household can pay on behalf of their dependents. This can be paid throughout the month of Ramadan but prior to Eid ul Fitr Salah. Debit card only.
Sadaqat-ul-fitr is obligated on each adult male or female separately, and the relevant adult person himself is responsible to pay it.
Head of the household can pay on behalf of the family with the authorization from family members
Our Sadqatul-Fitr fund is flushed every year MINUS 5% for walk-in emergencies.
This is paid out monthly with a double payment in Ramadan
Masjid Al-Abidin pays in advance the extra RAMADAN payment with the assurance our community will step up and fund this extra payment.
Why the extra payment? This payment is sent out before the Eid day so that our Zakaat recipients and vulnerable members of our community can have a gift for Ramadan. This is our way of showing that you are thinking of them.
You can also give with Venmo (Masjidalabidin)
Cash App ($masjidalabidin)
Cash App can be used for any of the above categories including Zakat ul Fitr.
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(516)-343-0915 | 718-848-8759
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Masjid Al-Abidin 104-19 127th Street Richmond Hill, Queens NY 11419